The real issue is not about this young girl who could at least speak up. Even a young girl admitting her own weakness in English is willing to point out the fault of the teachers. I think most teacher getting well paid should think twice. The main issue is the standard of English in Hong Kong who has come to a level that is worrying. We can't speak good English or Mandarin as good as our competitors. The government spends a lot on education but very few go down to the students. Secondly, the teachers work very hard but not building up the relationship with the students. Obviously, this girl does not respect her teachers. On the other hand, are some these teachers deserve to be respected? At least, they should make some effort to improve their own language skills. What do you expect their students if the teachers are not properly trained. How can we expect the standard of English in HK to improve? In the business world, our university graduates are losing their competitiveness to the overseas students. What else we can do? go to Shenzhen?
阿Ruby/Wuby覺得監考老師d英文唔可以收貨,有人又覺得阿Ruby/Wuby d英文唔可以收貨,我就覺得而家冇得揀架嘞,不單只收貨,重要當係正嘢咁看待,現實嚟架。好似你咁讚下佢就啱嘞。
回覆刪除Ruby 被人在網上狂轟,是嚴重的網上欺淩和人身攻擊。這位姐姐仔的中文有懶音,英文發音不準是事實,也是不少香港學生的通病,但她指出監考老師的英文發音不正又有何問題?香港的可貴是言論有自由,大家可以不同意她的觀點,總不能恣意漫罵。
回覆刪除The real issue is not about this young girl who could at least speak up. Even a young girl admitting her own weakness in English is willing to point out the fault of the teachers. I think most teacher getting well paid should think twice. The main issue is the standard of English in Hong Kong who has come to a level that is worrying. We can't speak good English or Mandarin as good as our competitors. The government spends a lot on education but very few go down to the students. Secondly, the teachers work very hard but not building up the relationship with the students. Obviously, this girl does not respect her teachers. On the other hand, are some these teachers deserve to be respected? At least, they should make some effort to improve their own language skills. What do you expect their students if the teachers are not properly trained. How can we expect the standard of English in HK to improve? In the business world, our university graduates are losing their competitiveness to the overseas students. What else we can do? go to Shenzhen?