不過這間在「又一城商場」的「Pacific Coffee」咖啡店,竟設有些像圖書館用的座位,有獨立檯燈,有穿著校服的中學生攤開書本和習作在此溫習。店內另有長梳發和咖啡几,有學生在此進行小組討論。這咖啡店以深啡為主色,燈光明暗適度,加上咖啡的香氣,營造出溫暖及輕鬆的氣氛,這種氣氛是最利於創意思維的產生。它附近有城市大學和一些傳統名校如瑪利諾神父學校,又有數家研究機構,說不定這一杯杯的咖啡,正孕育著一些學術上的重大發現。
The drinks including coffer are quite expensive though. These shops are more for business talk or people waiting for the next appointments. Pacific coffee is operated by one of the HK conglomerates and is catered to compete with Starbuck, which targets on business executives, like Miss. After the financial tsunami, Starbuck sized down immediately and closed down lots of shops. Now, it returns to profit.
回覆刪除係囉,所以當我見到又一城嗰間咁大嘅Pacific Coffee,重整到好似有書檯咁,俾學生溫習做功課,當堂服晒燒賣,仲見到唔少瑪記學生添噃。
回覆刪除I've had study group meetings at this particular PC, too. I definitely chose to go for its facilities rather than coffee. If the coffee experience were what I was after, I'd have gone up a few floors to McCafe.