香港中文大學為諾貝爾獎得主及「光纖之父」的高錕舉辦「高錕成就展」,展品當中的32封賀函,以英國首相白高敦(Gordon Brown)寫得最「實際」(見上圖)。
"I am […] pleased that the early stages of your education and research careers [were] nurtured in the UK at Woolwich Polytechnic and Imperial College London, and that your groundbreaking work was subsequently […] taken at the Standard Telecommunications Laboratories […] in Harlow.”
“I am delighted that the UK enabled you to go on to have such a successful research career, and can assure you that we are celebrating [your] remarkable achievements.”
英國首相賣花讚花香,但包裝得體,言簡意賅,全文只117字,用詞淺白而精確,值得借鏡。事實上,英國視教育為產業,源遠流長,是熱門的留學國家,而高錕亦確是他們可引以為傲的「產品」。(Woolwich Polytechnic即是現時的University of Greenwich - 英國格林威治大學)。
要取得Nobel Prize的物理獎,得找白高敦,要取得和平獎,得找奧巴馬。不過,北上找阿爺,也一樣有機會獲和平獎或國際人權獎,但得和劉曉波一樣,先在秦城反思和改造十年八載。
回覆刪除So sad, we have such opinion from professionals in the education. Where is the hope for HK?
回覆刪除In the commercial world, there have been lots of changes in the past ten years - the preference from local univ graduate in the 80s' has changed to that of overseas...law firms and investment banks are quite obvious. Hope that HK young people and our dear highly paid education professionals can wake up and become more competitive....